
Unity 3D Google.JarResolver.ResolutionException: Cannot find candidate artifact for com.google.android.gms:play-services-ads:LATEST

I had this error at build time as a result of trouble integrating the AdMob plugin.

Add Android Packages

Open the Android SDK app, go to the Extras section and make sure you have the following installed and updated:

  • Android Support Repository
  • Android Support Library
  • Google Play Services
  • Google Repository

Add Plugin Libraries And Services

This may not be needed so try to build again, before doing this step.

Go to your Android SDK installation and copy the google_play_services folder into the \plugins\android\ folder in your project.


Unity 3D Google.JarResolver.ResolutionException: Cannot find candidate artifact for com.google.android.gms:play-services-ads:LATEST